Thursday, February 11, 2010

Update on Baby Emily

Ok, so it has been forever since I have posted anything, and for that I apologize. We had an ultrasound yesterday to check out Emily's heart now that she is a little further along. Frank was born with a heart defect that was fixed surgically at 18 months. Since heart defects of any kind can be hereditary, all of our babies have to be looked at while I am pregnant. Anyhow, the ultrasound yesterday revealed that Emily's heart looks perfectly healthy and everything else looked good too except that SHE IS GINORMOUS! Emily is currently in the 97th percentile for her size (I should have a child who is in the A range:). She is measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. What this means is if my doctor allowed me to go to 40 weeks, we would be having a 10 to 11 pound baby. That said, we will either have to induce early or have a c-section. I am a little disappointed that I won't be able to go into labor on my own. I was hoping for that after being induced with Caroline. However, Frank and I just feel so blessed that she is healthy.

More updates to come.


Amy said...

I never thought of a 3lb baby as ginormous until now. I guess it's all about perspective.

Katie and Justin Cox said...

Big babies are where it is at!! :) I am so glad that everything is lookin' good for lil emily's heart! Praise!! We missed you at church this morning! Hope all is well!!